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Sunday, September 23, 2012 | 1:15 PM | 0 comments


busy life
| 1:10 PM | 0 comments

hey all~ wow lme dh xupdate blog. kinda busy with my study n exam..huhu~ 2 WEEKS TO GO EXAM! huhu... this is my last result exam ri tue..: 
1) BM = 77 , 2) BI= 88 , 3) MATHS= 80 , 4) GEO= 87 , 5) SEJ= 75 , 6) KHB= 77 , 7) SCIENCE= 69.
huhu bkn nk mnjuk...but i feel ok lh jgk..even ada yg mngecewakn tp I WONT GIVE UP~ bk kta Jason Mraz tu. eheee~ xlme lg pmr...huh...doakn ya smua candidates bole buat yg tbaik..
to my friends..Raymos(smk asyakirin), Syahiran (smk simanggang), and to all kwan2 kt Smk Bandar...thnks 4 ur support...from mamy dady..smy brother sisters...cousins..everybody ..thx too yarr.. keep me in ur prayer..
so now..wanna wish smua yg sma ngan nia ddk utk PMR 9 Oct nti...ALL THE BEST GUYS..kta sma2 bperang ok~ huhu.. jgn mnyerah yar.. truskn usaha~
Mr. Isyraf and Mr. Raymos...jgn kalah k.ahhaha~ thnk u sbb sudi ajar nia...bg support ape smua...glerr nervous nie! ahahahah...
kwan2 yg lain pun sma gak smoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua!!!  we do the best to make everybody proud of us! GOD BLESS!!!! 
that's all from me...'' Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in faith, in love and in purity.'' take care! ^_^

Sunday, July 1, 2012 | 3:51 PM | 0 comments
hey peeps! lama dah nia xupdate bloggie..huhu
 erm byk lah kjdian tjadi kt sklh...kt mne2 jer sjak nia xblogging..bz lah jgk~ ermmm there's nothing I can share now..xtau nk cter ape..byk gler..hoho..

Thursday, May 17, 2012 | 9:49 AM | 0 comments
hey peeps~ 

lma dh xblogging.

I'M OFFICIALLY 15 RIGHT NOW!! ahahahahaa

last 2 days...on 15th of May 2012..was my b'day. Thnkx God umur dpnjangkn. hoho~ This year was the best bday ever...pgi nia smbut ngan family kt scrt recipe..XD.. then xtau plak kt sklh kwn2 da buat surprise..hohoo...mmg best sgt.. kbtulan kwn baik nia, dia pun akn bday the nxt day(16th May) so kwn2 yg lain smua buat surpise utk kmi dua..ahahahhaa..malu tol...kmi dh mcm adk bradik..mkn kek dr scrt recipe jgk..yum!!..hahaha...mkn b'suap2 sesama sndri..ahahahha...PUJI TUHAN!!!..bst sgt2!!!..dpt hadiah jgk dr kwn.. n the best part was..mse me, olive, erence n cyn had a big best friends hug!!!..ahahahahaa....best3!!! that moment was the most unforgetable moment!!!..happy sgt2!!!...biarpun ada yg .....biarlerrr...now nia tau, nia xlonely...nia rmai kwn2 yg memahami nia..biarpun diorng kbyakknnyer cina..diorng the best!!!! xlupe jgak pda CYNTHIA..ERENCE N OLIVIA!!!...there're GREAT!!!!.. I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH!!!!  THANK U SO MUCH!!! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!!
Monday, April 30, 2012 | 7:22 AM | 0 comments

Hey all..it has been a long time i didn't update my blog...ahhaaa. 
herm...nk cter ape ouh??...erm2...sblm nie stress gler....ade2 jak kja..nk study pun xprnh smpt doh~ ade probs pulak 2 kt sklh..hurhsss!!! dh2 now smua dh kire settle lh..thnx God~ letih tollllll stress2...ckup lh stress bljr xplu stress lain2 lg~

ahahaa..so kira new life lh..pa kh?!
new life new smile!!!

so that's all...God bless. BYE~
Hello Thursday
Thursday, March 15, 2012 | 3:48 PM | 0 comments

THIS IS MY MUM..Today is her birthday!!!! 15th of March!!! Happy 47th-Birthday Mum~!!!..I've wish her exactly at 12am!!! yeahh!!!..I THANK GOD for giving me a wonderful mum...she's a responsible person!!!..once again..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!!

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